Test Żoliborz, the smallest district of Warsaw. A short history lesson | LOCO Real Estate

Żoliborz, the smallest district of Warsaw. A short history lesson

Żoliborz is a pretty district located in the north direction of Warsaw city centre. Żoliborz name comes from  French “joli bord”, which means pretty bank. And Żoliborz actually is, as the district is situated near the bank of the biggest Polish river called Vistula.

It has about 50,000 inhabitants and is one of the smallest boroughs of Warsaw. The area of Żoliborz is about

8,5 square meter.

In 18th century the area of current Żoliborz belonged to the Piarists of a monastery in the nearby city of Warsaw. In 1831 the area was confiscated by the Russians, who there erected the Warsaw Citadel.

After Poland regained its independence in 1918, the city of Warsaw started to grow rapidly and new areas were needed. In the 1920s the area of Żoliborz was converted into a borough of Warsaw and the construction of new houses started.

Until the late 1930s part of today’s Żoliborz was built-up with houses notable for their modernist architecture. Żoliborz has a rich history file.

During the Warsaw Uprising one of the first battles took part in Żoliborz. After the Polish soldiers were defeated by the Germans, Żoliborz was spared the fate of the rest of Warsaw and survived the war to a higher degree than other areas. This district has traditionally been known as a the place for intellectuals.

Nowadays Żoliborz isn’t the first choice for expats, as  as expatsguide.pl mostly because there is no international school in this area.

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