Polish words, which are necessary when reanting the properties in Poland
Phrases presented below are helpful with signing the agreement or renting the property.
tenancy agreement is ”umowa najmu”
lessor is ”wynajmujący”
tenant is ”najemca”
deninite period of time is ”czas określony”
indefinite period of time is ”czas nieokreślony”
notice period is ”okres wypowiedzenia”
land register is ”księga wieczysta”, notarial act is ”akt notarialny” – these are the documents authenticating the property
hand over raport or acceptance protocol is ”protokół zdawczo odbiorczy”
service charges is ”opłaty eksploatacyjne”
These phrases should help you getting through all documents when you rent a property. It is very important that you understand all the arrangements and that will help to prevent not an agreement in the future.