Test Marta Gawęda | LOCO Real Estate
Marta Gawęda
Real Estate Advisor

Marta Gawęda

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An art historian by profession with a curatorial expertise. Living in Berlin, she started her career in the advertising industry. Gaining experience in marketing, she decided to use her knowledge and direct interest to real estate.


She understands the needs of customers, provides consultancy and takes responsibility for sales processes, ensuring their safety. It is characterized by meticulous and transparent communication. Mokotów enthusiast, where she spent the first years in Warsaw.


She has over 7 years of experience in advertising. She worked for several advertising agencies as an account and salesman. She implemented private marketing projects also. Finally, she opened her own business and is gradually developing it.


  • Meditation – combining spirit and matter.
  • Contemporary theater, Polish cinema, modern art.
  • Social psychology – works on developing awareness of the patchwork family model.
  • Music from Columbia, Peru, Ecuador and Mexico – especially in electronic sound.
  • She comes from the mountains and there she feels like home – she wants to enter the Georgian Kazbek.
How others rate my work

Check my testimonials

I highly recommend Ms. Marta! I was lucky to find Ms. Marta, thanks to whom I was able to carry out the entire process related to renting the apartment in a short time. Very professional and friendly cooperation – Ms. Marta is always available, takes care offeverydetaili,l and helps at every stage. The commitment she shows (even when the transaction was closed) makes me sure I will come back to LOCO for my next real estate search.

Sonia Sobczyk

I recommend Marta Gawęda, she guided us through the terrifying (for me) process of looking for a new apartment. She found a great place to live for us, took care of all formalities, provided us with great conditions and besides that she is a wonderful person and everything went quickly and efficiently.

Karolina Zacharewicz

I highly recommend especially cooperation with Ms. Marta, who was professional, reliable, and friendly at the same time guided us through the process of renting the apartment. I especially appreciate the exceptionally fast response to questions, flexibility, and excellent preparation (including documents) at every stage of the process.

Anna Wąsiewska

Marta Gawęda found an apartment that changed our life for the better. Much better! Formalities were handled quickly and professionally.

Jaja w Kuchni

Ms. Marta Gawęda is an experienced expert in extraordinary and unique places. She has a holistic approach toward the client, which made the process of finding and renting my new place surprisingly quick and very pleasant. I heartily recommend Ms. Marta, she is a very cool, professional and interesting person.

Ania Ampulska

As a customer, I want to say Thank you very much to Marta Gawenda for her professional and competent help. I am very happy with this cooperation.

Inga Haradovich

Jesteśmy bardzo zadowoleni, ze współpracy z Biurem Nieruchomości Loco Real Estate. Agentka, pani Marta Gawęda (specjalistka od klimatycznych kamienic) bardzo pomocna i zaangażowana na każdym etapie poszukiwań mieszkania. Świetny kontakt, dostępność i rzetelność oraz nieoceniona pomoc w negocjacjach. Serdecznie polecamy.

Fischer . . .

Marta Gaweda the best realtor for me so far ❤️ I met about 6 realtors in Warsaw while searching for apartment. Working with her was really simple and fast experience. She really cares not only about Landlord’s interests but tenant’s too. I had a tons of questions but she helped me with every single one.

Good luck Marta and Loco Real Estate! Will recommend everyone.
Thank you!

Anastasiia Solomka

Polecam współpracę z Panią Martą Gawędą. Bardzo profesjonalnie i z pełnym zaangażowaniem podeszła do tematu znalezienia dla nas najemcy.

Agnieszka Andrych

Pani Marta Gawęda to niesamowicie profesjonalna, skuteczna agent a przy tym bardzo mila i otwarta osoba. Pracowałyśmy przy sprzedażny mojego mieszkania i proces przebiegł szybko i wszystko było świetnie zaplanowane i przeprowadzone.
Polecam wszystkim Panią – Martę Gawędę.

Agata Krzywicka

Pani Marta Gaweda to niesamowicie profesjonalna, skuteczna agent a przy tym bardzo mila i otwarta osoba. Pracowalysmy przy sprzedazy mojego mieszkania i proces przebiegl szybko i wszystko bylo swietnie zaplanowane i przeprowadzone.
Polecam wszystkim Pania Marta. Ja na pewno bede korzystac z jej wsparcia w przyszlosci.

Agata Krzywicka

Overall quick and good service with LOCO 🙂 I had the pleasure of working with Marta, who went above and beyond to answer all my questions. Highly recommended for the service and dedication.

Sharon Omondi

My trainings

EY Academy of Business
Dealing with clients’ objections

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