Ewelina Sadanowicz
Founder of LOCO Real Estate, economist, mental trainer. She graduated in accounting and controlling studies. She has been involved in the real estate market since 2005, and after completing postgraduate studies, in 2007 she obtained a real estate manager and real estate broker license, granted by the Minister of Infrastructure.
According to Gallup, she is a “commander” characterized by the rationalism that steers her energy, determination, and sharp mind in achieving the goals she sets for herself. She is quick in starting actions and solving problems.
According to MBTI, she is a “commander”, a natural leader who loves challenges, can think strategically, and make long-term plans. Her determination becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Her business philosophy is based on professionalism and commitment. She is authentic and precise in action. She believes in the Kaizen philosophy, which is based on continuous improvement, mindfulness, and persistence in pursuing a goal.
Appreciated by her employees, not only for great knowledge but also for high ethical standards.
In a word – The right person at the right place.
Check my testimonials
Bardzo dziękuję Pani Ewelinie i Agnieszce za pomoc w sprzedaży mieszkania. Wysoka kultura osobista i niesamowity profesjonalizm!