About us

You can always count on your real estate agent

Only current real estate offers for sale and rent
Two locations – we operate in Warsaw and Krakow
Specialization in high-standard and premium real estate

Loco Real Estate

Meet us

Since 2010, gathering experience and knowledge, we have become experts in the field of residential real estate and a recognizable brand on the real estate market in Warsaw and Krakow.

While carrying out our work, we always try to provide the most comprehensive service possible, and many times we go beyond the framework of standard real estate brokerage. We don’t just stop with the recommendation and the draft contract. We remain at your disposal throughout the service process, offering help and proposing new solutions.

Over the years, we have faced most of the problems related to real estate. We know how we can help you and we are happy to share our knowledge.

We have developed ethical standards of operation, we constantly improve our qualifications and follow the dynamically changing market.



In our daily work, we always try to combine two basic elements that, in our opinion, are a requirement of our clients – excellent knowledge of the industry and communication at the highest level.

Clients are served by experienced Real Estate Advisors – we carry out the entire process of selling / buying real estate, we search for properties that will bring investors the best possible rate of return on investment. We rent out the purchased real estate so that each client generates profits by saving valuable time.


Three reasons for choosing us
International character

Foreigners constitute over 90% of our clients. That is why LOCO employs ex-pats as well as advisors with experience in international companies, having substantive preparation, but also having intercultural competencies – so necessary in relations with a foreign client.


While carrying out our work, we always try to provide the most comprehensive service possible, and many times we go beyond the framework of standard real estate brokerage. We don’t just stop with the recommendation and the draft contract. We remain at your disposal throughout the service process, offering help and proposing new solutions.


While advising, we often go beyond the beaten path. Based on our experience, we are constantly looking for innovative and safe ways to solve our clients’ problems. Individual clients, small and large Polish enterprises, and international corporations recommend us and praise us for our efficiency and effective actions. We are proud of it and we offer the same to you.

Our successes

from which our clients came

satisfied customers

to whom we found or helped sell an apartment or house by the end of 2021


in which we communicate with clients


we work in and around Warsaw and Krakow

Our Mission

Our Mission

We help our clients create new perspectives through the prism of real estate.

Regardless of the stage of life, they are in, we accompany them with brokerage services so they can make life changes.

Sometimes we bring smiles and make dreams come true, other times we are the support in difficult moments or we help to achieve investment goals.

However, we always create new values.

Our vision

For Real Estate Industry

We co-create high standards of real estate agency work. We participate in the change, build a positive and professional image of the advisor.

For Our Clients

We want to be a trusted partner and advisor to our clients. Only then we will be able to achieve profitable growth and occupy leading positions among real estate agencies in Poland.

For Our Associate

We want to create a friendly and stable workplace, built on diversity, but at the same time shared values and constant development.

Our values


in creating a better future


whatever we do, we do it well


we see and understand the impact our actions have on the individual and the environment


in creating changes


just like between our advisers


use of collective wisdom

Opinie naszych klientów

We consider Loco an indispensable partner. Over the years whenever we have had people re-locate to our Warsaw Office from overseas, Loco have made the transition process seamless for them, organising everything quickly and easily, so minimising the stress of moving country. I cannot recommend them enough.

James ChaplinCEOVacancysoft

Z firmą LOCO współpracuję od około 8 lat. Jakość obsługi, profesjonalizm w działaniu oraz ogromna wiedza pracowników to ewenement na rynku nieruchomości. Gorąco polecam firmę i życzę samych sukcesów.

Adrian Sobczyński

Chcemy wyrazić swoje zadowolenie z wysokiej jakości usług pośrednictwa świadczonych przez biuro LOCO Real Estate, z siedzibą w Warszawie.

Podstawą kontaktów z LOCO jest rzetelność, fachowość, które połączone są z osobistym zaangażowaniem we współpracę oraz wyczuleniem na indywidualne potrzeby Klienta. Usługi świadczone są zawsze ku naszemu zadowoleniu, terminowo, z zachowaniem należytej zawodowej staranności.

Usługi pośrednictwa na każdym ich etapie zostały wykonane w sposób bardzo profesjonalny. Jesteśmy pod dużym wrażeniem rzetelności, kompleksowości i wysokiej jakości świadczonych usług i z przyjemnością rekomendujemy współpracę z LOCO Real Estate.

Bartosz KomasaHead of Corporate RelationsBank of China

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